2021 Scholarship Awards

Jacob Harvey
Jacob Harvey graduated from Liberty High School this year with a 3.9 unweighted and a 4.2 weighted GPA. He received Letters in academics as well as varsity athletics. He was a part of Scarborough Fair and loves to sing, dance, and perform. He has a great appreciation for art, especially music. He is an Eagle Scout, enjoys volunteering at the Marian House, and worked a part-time job during his junior and senior years. He will attend Brigham Young University this summer and fall, with plans to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after Christmas. He has a goal to become an anesthesiologist because he loves to help people.
Congratulations Jacob!

Kiela Adon
Kiela graduated from Liberty High School a semester early with High Honors and will be attending PPCC for an Art Degree, finishing at a four-year art institution. Her passions are drawing, painting, sculpting, music, video games, fashion, and making people laugh! Despite the heavy emphasis on the arts, she enjoyed many of my STEM-based classes, specifically Math, and even considered accounting at one point. Kiela says, “The Art department and a handful of my friends helped me achieve what I felt was impossible, and I will never forget how much everyone did for me. I hope to make fun and inspiring stories in 2D Animation, and I look forward to the future!”
Congratulations Kiela!
Partial Scholarship Winners
Due to the high quality of our candidates this year, our scholarship committee had a difficult time choosing just two full scholarship award winners. So after reviewing the scoring rubrics and revisiting each of the packets, we gave them permission to award four partial scholarships of $250 each. We are so passionate about continuing education and are grateful to the support of our community for making this possible. The students who received partial scholarships are: Kara Kelsch, Alexis Frost, and Brianna Johnson